TOWN OF NEVERSINK EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Ð (4) TEMPORARYSKATE GUARD This temporary position involves the performance of a variety of tasks including, but not limited to: rule enforcement, patrolling ice surface, skate distribution and disinfection. Applicant must be at least 16 years or older and have valid working papers OR driverÕs license. The position is from December 1, 2024 to March 15, 2025 at an hourly rate of $15.50 per hour, on an as is needed basis, up to 15 hours per week, paid bi-weekly. Applications must be received as soon as possible. Applications are available at the Town Hall or on the Town of Neversink website. Please send applications to Tanya Huggler, Director of Parks & Recreation, Town of Neversink, PO Box 307, Grahamsville, NY 12740 or drop it off at the Town Hall.