MONTICELLO - The Town of Thompson Park was the site of Rock Hill Scout Troop 101’s recent Court of Honor and end of the year BBQ. As part of the ceremony, troop leaders that had been honored at …
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MONTICELLO - The Town of Thompson Park was the site of Rock Hill Scout Troop 101’s recent Court of Honor and end of the year BBQ. As part of the ceremony, troop leaders that had been honored at a previous annual Hudson-Delaware District awards ceremony were recognized by the troop.
Jim Steinberg Sr. was honored for his 60 years in Scouting. He is an Eagle Scout Class of 1972, having achieved the rank in Troop 181 sponsored by the Forestburg Fire Co. For 42 years, he has been a member of the District Eagle
board, and Troop 101’s committee chairman for twenty-plus years.
Through Scouting, he has
traveled to the National Jamboree three times, took twelve scouts on a trip along the Yukon River in Alaska, and provided leadership on countless troop camping adventures.
Steinberg comes from a family of scouts. He and his brother Ralph Jr. are Eagle Scouts, his sons Jim Jr., Billy, and grandson James III are all Eagle Scouts.
When speaking about his award, Steinberg thanked his wife.“If it wasn’t for my wife Laurie, being okay with my three to four nights a
week at scouting activities, I
wouldn’t be here today.”
Scoutmaster Anthony Larusso, relatively new to the role, praised Steinberg. “Anything I need for troop information, Jim has the answer for it. He has been a great mentor.”
Other Troop 101 leaders recognized for their honors at the district event: Billie Waterton received Cubmaster of the Year for her leadership of Pack 101, Calvin Waterton received the Hidden Hero Award for all of his efforts behind the scenes to keep the troop and pack running smoothly, and Jennifer Ferrer for Troop Committee Member of the Year.
Also at the Court of Honor, scouts were recognized for their rank advancements and merit badges earned. Troop 101 is preparing for summer camp at Ten Mile River Scout Reservation in Narrowsburg. Any youth between the ages of 11 and 18 interested in joining a scouting unit can find a nearby boys or girls troop at
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