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Some points to consider. The bill was sponsored by Glick (D), Manhatten, who chairs the Environ. Conservation Committee. It’s cosponsored by other (only)Democrats as far as the ny.gov website reveals.

If I missed any Republicans that did cosponsor than shame on me. But more shame on them. Regardless, the legislation directed at and against all New York hunters. Weather you agree or disagree with hunting/killing contests is not the point. It is an anti-hunting bill plain and simple. Their foot in the door. The product of unchecked one party rule in New York influenced by special interest groups. Who will take any ban on any type of hunting as a win. Until they can ban more.

The bills were pushed by the Humane Society, etc. The Humane Society said of the bills passage, in part, “This bill takes a real meaningful step, to outlaw these cruel contests”. Further, they expressed disappointment the bill carved out exceptions for deer, and turkeys, to foster the bills passage. In other words that was a compromise and evidently not in the original draft of the bill. In their eyes it seems to be a good start. Mark my words they’ll be back for more in short order.

It’s important for voters to realize that compromises such as these do not appease these anti hunting groups. Which is what they are plain and simple. If the Humane Society were truly against the killing of animals how do they justify the killing of thousands of dogs, cats, other unwanted pets via the euphemism of euthanasia. They are just as dead as if they had been hit by a bullet and I’ve witnessed first hand the euthanasia of pets. In the cases I saw, taking longer to die by injection than a well placed bullet. I did not see it as easy or humane.

Don’t be fooled by the rhetoric the bill is supported by “some hunters”. If it is, it is only because they’ve been misguided as to the bill’s original, anti hunting, intent. Evidently, it is also being taken by some as an opportunity to push for ban on the AR15 or (more) gun control.(See mrubin on these pages). Tim Manzolillo, Cochecton, NY

From: End wildlife killing contests

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