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Yet again, Werner lumps all people who do not agree with everything she believes as "right-wingers". If you have reservations about wearing a mask everywhere, for hours at a time (which is NOT healthy, especially for children!) and you have concerns about the vaccines, Werner demonizes you in her columns. Is Werner even aware that thousands (not just hundreds) of doctors, scientists and other experts in the filed have spoken out about being AGAINST these vaccines and mask mandates? They are quickly attacked and silenced by the "liberal' media. If you get the shots and will keep getting those boosters and you wear a mask every waking minute, why are you so scared of people who don't? Fear makes people do things without stopping to question and THINK first. Just OBEY.

People like Werner will end up wearing a mask (two masks!) and getting shots for the rest of her life.

From: Far away places are calling 

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