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One reason not to is because we have a school but we also have bars and alcohol selling sites in the same town, so that makes no sense.

Ah cents, yes, tax the product and sales and the Schools get part of that money so having a school in town making money from the sales of it but not in this town?

So you buy the product at a store and take it home or wherever just like you buy alcohol and take it home or wherever unless you're at a bar.

During the pandemic the Governor allowed you to, when you bought food from a restaurant, to buy 'Take-Out' alcoholic mixed-drinks, didn't have a maximum take-out amount, you had to by food.

For over 30 years I've watched towns turn down business in their towns for what ever the reason and then the people say there's no business here, there's nothing to do, there\'s no revenue so taxes go up, wah, wah, wah!

A lifelong doctor has to give it more thought? Doc, think about the pandemic issues. The supervisor wants to wait and see it further? Other towns want to hear from their people but not Cochecton or wait until i's too late?

What has the Town done about overdoses of opioids beside have the Vol Ambulance go to these medical calls for help?

How many drunk drivers are there in Town?

Has our town boards, over the decades, always made the right decision for the town?

But to say 'If we don't opt-out now, we can't later!' There are so many laws out there, find a few and you can close anyone down.

Now the board hasn't made a decision yet? Sounds like most of the board already has and 1 hasn't said anything yet but if the vote were today, say goodbye to another business.

From: Cochecton discusses retail marijuana sales

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