HORTONVILLE – Sometimes dreams do come true.
Last Wednesday evening Julio Valentin had a dream that three men – wearing white headsets with microphones attached – visited his …
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HORTONVILLE – Sometimes dreams do come true.
Last Wednesday evening Julio Valentin had a dream that three men – wearing white headsets with microphones attached – visited his house on Beechwoods Rd. and came in the house to talk with him.
He could hear them talking with people outside.
The next day, Thursday, February 29, Valentin was coming home from work at exactly 6:20 p.m. when he broke over the hill and saw two large orbs sitting on the horizon.
He quickly grabbed his cell phone and snapped a photo but was interrupted from getting any more photos when his car swerved off the road.
“I was so intent on getting the photo that I took my hands off the wheel,” he said. “When I looked back to the road I was heading for a mailbox and had to grab the wheel.”
When he looked back to the sky, the two perfectly round objects were gone.
“They were large and close,” he said. “The picture does not do it justice, I only had my cellphone.”
Valentin said the objects reflected the setting sun’s vibrant glow and just sat in the sky, motionless.
The area where Valentin witnessed his close encounter is called “Top of the World” near the intersection of Radio Tower Road and Beechwoods Rd. in the Town of Delaware.
Star gazers are often seen stopping at this location when there is a full moon or sky full of stars to take in the nearly 360 degree view.
“It’s an experience,” Valentin said of his recent sighting. “I have a real sense of wonder trying to figure out what they were and also emotional residue.
“I’ve been thinking about it all day and keep looking at the photo,” he said Friday afternoon.
Valentin wonders if it was some type of new government aircraft that they were testing out. His questions far outnumber his answers at this point.
Valentine said it was 2007 when he had another weird experience with flying objects – but this time they were planes flying overhead.
“They did not make a sound in the sky,” he said. “And were flying very slowly, in formation. And then the fifth plane caught up to them.
“If anybody’s available, I’m getting a crew together,” Valentin said jokingly, as he looks forward to his next encounter.
If anyone witnessed this sighting or any other sightings throughout Sullivan County, please call 845-887-5200, ext. 103.
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