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Down the Decades

Jan. 21, 2025 Edition

Compiled by Lee Hermann, Muse, & Ruth Huggler
Posted 1/21/25

140 Years Ago - 1885

The following is the New York City market report of general country produce of this week:

Potatoes, per barrel, $1.25 and $1.35; apples, per barrel, $1.50; Beeswax, per …

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Down the Decades

Jan. 21, 2025 Edition


140 Years Ago - 1885

The following is the New York City market report of general country produce of this week:

Potatoes, per barrel, $1.25 and $1.35; apples, per barrel, $1.50; Beeswax, per pound, 31¢ and 32¢; Buttery creamery state 27 and 28¢; Eggs, 27¢ and 25¢; Four, fine, $2.25 and $2.90; Rye, $4.00 and $4.50; Buckwheat, $2.20 and $2.30.

Another cyclone – A cyclone passed through some parts of Sullivan County on December 8th. No damage was done, only the wind blew F.S. Law’s agent in town. He comes around once a year looking after the trade. Just go to Glassel and Meyer’s and C. Metzger’s, and try one package of Law’s Bluing.

Fred Bietz has sold “Bobby” and purchased a fine horse of Heinle Bros. of Narrowsburg.

A.E. Gillespie of Monticello will sell at public auction in Homer’s Hall on Thursday and Friday, January 8 and 9, a large stock of dry goods, groceries, hats and caps, glassware, etc. These goods will be sold to the highest bidder.

Married: On Christmas Day, L. Inderlied and Miss Sarah Rogler, both of Youngsville, at the bride’s parents’ home.

Jacob Mromm and Miss I. Robisch of Hortonville were married by Rev. S. Muery on December 24.

Deaths: Jacob, son of John Faubel, aged 24 years, died on Friday.

130 Years Ago - 1895

Henry Messmer and Miss Estella Townsend of Fosterdale were married on December 26.

Forty years ago there were in Sullivan County over forty tanneries engaged in the manufacture of sole leather and today there is not a single tannery in the county manufacturing that type of leather. The Monticello tannery, which employs 50 men, is the largest in the county.

North Branch: Fred Knack’s eldest son was kicked by a horse, breaking his jaw and knocking several teeth out. Some of our young men were racing on horseback last Sunday, when one of the horses suddenly halted in front of a hotel, throwing its rider to the ground.

John D. Lyons, the Monticello reporter for the Port Jervis Gazette, has been made surrogate’s clerk of Sullivan County. Mr. Lyons is one of the best qualified young men in the county for that position.

Mrs. Ruth Edwards, widow of Dudley Edwards, died of apoplexy at White Sulphur Springs, December 28, aged 80. She was the mother of Benjamin D. Gilbert, Thomas and John Edwards, Emily, wife of Henry Earl, and Rachel, wife of Vincent Tremper.

120 Years Ago - 1905

Emmet Gardner of Callicoon, employed in construction work by the Horsehead Bridge Co. for the last several years, was killed on Tuesday morning in falling from a bridge which he was working on near Pittsburgh. Mr. Gardner was 40 years of age.

Hamilton B. Pearsall Jr. of Jamaica, foster brother of plumber Fred Dedling of Jeffersonville, was killed in an auto accident Tuesday night, December 22.

North Branch: Miss Caroline Sommer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sommer, was married to John Euker, son of Mrs. John Euker of this place on Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Staib of Jeffersonville, who have gone to Brooklyn for the winter, will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary on January 9.

The famous Emeralds of Liberty, who have been defeating all comers, will play the Kenoza Lake basektball team at the latter place tonight. This will give the sports fans in this vicinity a chance to see the Emeralds in action.

110 Years Ago - 1915

Melchior Thony, a former resident of this town, died after a short illness at the home of his daughter, Mrs. William Kohler of Galeton, Pa.

Miss Martha Scheidell, employed in Callicoon, experienced a happy surprise at her home in Jeffersonville last Saturday night, when her mother, Mrs. Charles Scheidell, arranged a gathering of young people.

Mrs. Arnold Moore of this village suffered a stroke of apoplexy on Sunday. She is 73 years old.

The horse race on the ice at Loch Sheldrake Saturday, between H.C. Loman’s Wilhelm and W.H. Murphy’s Kit Penny, both Liberty horses, for a purse of $100, was won by the latter, two in three heats.

Charles Homer will hold his annual ball at Eagle Hall on Washington’s birthday, February 22, which falls on Wednesday.

Jeffersonville Tent of the Maccabees is arranging for a ball and oyster supper to be held at Eagle Hotel on January 30. Charles P. Durr, Fred C. Ranfant and John L. Schmidt are the committee in charge.

The welcome party to be tendered to the new management of the Mansion House is to take place tomorrow night.

Briscoe: Bertha, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Miller, is very ill of pneumonia.

John Bohrman had the misfortune to lose his gray horse by illness last week.

100 Years Ago - 1925

People in Jeffersonville were aroused from sleep last Friday a.m. by the jarring of their houses and the rattling of windows. Later it was learned that that cause was an explosion in the coal mining section of Throop, Pa., near Scranton.

Edward Raymond Lawrence, who left Falls Mills in the town of Delaware about forty years ago, went out from his home in Matamoras, Pa., last Friday to go fishing. As he did not return home in due time, a searching party found Mr. Lawrence dead in a field nearby, stricken by a heart affliction.

Our fishermen are making some good pickerel catches at Stevensville. John C. Wagner and Larry Hauschild brought in sixty nice ones Christmas day.

August Schmidt just returned from a railroad bridge construction job in Alaska and spent Christmas with his uncle, Richard Seager, where he made his home until he was 17 years old.

William H. Kilcoin, a White Lake farmer, was leading one of his cows to water the other morning when the cow got frisky and ran, throwing Kilcoin down and dragging him until his finger, caught in the halter, was torn from his hand at the knuckle.

90 Years Ago - 1935

Edward F. Homer, whose cafe in Jeffersonville was destroyed in the great fire here in May 1918, suffered his second great loss last Friday morning when the finely equipped casino in the Neversink River back of his Park Lane Hotel a couple of miles from Port Jervis, was burned to the ground by a fire of unknown origin.

At the annual meeting of the Board of Supervisors, 1500 copiers of the proceedings printed by the Monticello Watchman, at $1.85 per page, was approved.

Merel K. Scheidell, son of Mrs. Mary Scheidell, was among the young lawyers who passed the recent bar examination in Albany. Merel is at present employed in a law office in Newburgh.

Jacob Neumann, well-known butcher, who spent nearly all his life in Callicoon Center, died Friday at the age of 86 years.

John Kohler, aged 57 and native of Jeffersonville, died at his home in Redwood Falls, Minn., on December 23.

Edward V. Hoos, aged 82 and former well-known baker of Liberty, was hit by an automobile in Jacksonville, Fla., on December 24, and succumbed to shock several days later.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred McKay of Swan Lake on Christmas night announced the engagement of their daughter, Vera Marie, to Theodore Adam Bernhardt of Kenoza Lake.

Mrs. Mary McGinn, aged 81 and mother of the late Attorney Robert G. McGinn of Jeffersonville, died at her home in Waddington, St. Lawrence County, on Christmas Day.

Arthur Kohler, aged about 48, and native of Kenoza Lake, died at his home in New York on January 1. Mr. Kohler was born in Kenoza Lake, a son of Mrs. Margaret Krantz Kohler and the late John N. Kohler.

80 Years Ago - 1945

Pvt. Jack S. Schadt has been stationed overseas in the India-Burma Theatre for the past 18 months. His unit was awarded the Distinguished Unit Badge with the Air Transport Command.

Before beginning his chores at about 7 p.m. Wednesday, William A. Menges, on the former Andrew Thoeni farm above Youngsville, started to thaw out water pipes at the barn and the flame from the blow torch set fire to loose hay and the flames quickly went up the hay mow and burned the entire building.

After fifteen years of service, J. Bruce Lindsley of White Sulphur Springs retired as clerk of Sullivan County on December 31. The new clerk, Emil Motl, took over.

Miss Shirley Kohler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Kohler, and home from New Paltz State College for the school vacation, entertained a number of her former high school classmates at her home Friday evening.

A paragraph remarks that if some people get to heaven the first thing they will look for will be the complaint department. It is a fine thing for people to look for perfection in their surroundings, but they should have a tolerant attitude if they find it is not to be had.

70 Years Ago - 1955

George Graziadio of North Branch announced the engagement of his daughter, Madeline Marie, to John P. Hickey of Carmel, son of Mrs. Mary Hickey of Astoria, L.I. The couple became engaged Christmas Day.

William Wagner, 73, of Youngsville died at Loomis Hospital on Friday, December 31. Mrs. Wagner (the former Theresa Beiling) and her husband owned and operated the meat market in Youngsville, now owned by Herbert Harder. Mr. Wagner was assessor for the Town of Callicoon for 24 years.

Averill Harriman took the oath of office and was inaugurated Governor of the great state of New York.

Mrs. Harry (Jennie) Grossinger was the honored guest on the television program, “This is Your Life,” at 10 p.m. Wednesday evening of last week. The program originates in California.

The new punch-card Federal tax form for reporting 1954 income was described this week. The form, 1040A, is now available at all Internal Revenue Offices and can be obtained at most banks, building associations, and post offices.

This Saturday, Miss Carol Howard, Jeff Central art teacher, will wed Allen Newkirk in the Presbyterian Church in Jeff.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Tonjes celebrated their third wedding anniversary on January 5th.

60 Years Ago - 1965

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Roth of Jeffersonville have announced the engagement of their daughter, Ellen Eve, to James Reisman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Reisman of New York City and Monroe.

Miss Edith Milk, who will be married to Richard Hofer on Valentine’s Day, was guest of honor at a luncheon and bridal shower given last week by Mrs. Russell Ahrens, Carol Prince and Janice Ahrens, which was held in the Liberty Grange Hall. Miss Milk is the daughter of Mrs. Helen Milk of Callicoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Decker of Livingston Manor have announced the enagement of their daughter, Linda Jane, to James F. Roche, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Roche of Hortonville.

State Comptroller Arthur Levitt today announced the distribution of $134,028,054 for the month of January to the 65 Public Welfare Districts in the state.

Mr. and Mrs. George Loderhose of Middletown announce the marriage of their daughter, Judith Ann, to Thomas Earl Elwrood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Elwood of Fremont Center.

Miss Phyllis J. Conklin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Conklin of North Branch, has successfully passed her State Board Exams for a licensed registered nurse.

Captain Robert C. Meyer, a native of Lake Huntington and a member of the 326th Airborne Engineer Battalion of the 101st Airborne Division, has recently been promoted to his present rank. Captain Meyer is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Meyer.

The good weather last week was a reminder to hunters that in addition to rabbits the season still is open on squirrels and partridges.

Miss Maxine Jean Isola and Alvin Michael Schillinger Jr. were married on December 19. The Rev. Frank J. Schultz performed the double ring ceremony.

50 years ago - 1975

Over 100 volunteer firemen and police officers formed in ranks outside Ramsay’s Funeral Home in Liberty Monday afternoon where the funeral for County Fire Coordinator Walter Smith was conducted by the Rev. Donald Beck, one of Smith’s deputies. Smith died suddenly and unexpectedly Saturday morning at the age of 56.

Traffic in both directions on the Delaware Division of the Erie came to a halt on Monday night about 9 p.m. when an eastbound, 33-car freight derailed north of Lordville opposite Equinunk in a section of the line which was recently single-tracked. Callicoon Station Agent Ray O’Neil said two units of a three-unit diesel locomotive was derailed and the three cars behind the locomotive landed in the river. It is expected that the blockage will be cleared up by Thursday.

“Aunt Kate,” Mrs. Katherine Hill of White Sulphur Springs, died at her home on January 8th at the age of 92.

Over 200 persons attended the open house of the Delaware Medical Center in Narrowsburg on Sunday. The center has added a psychiatrist and physical therapist to its staff.

The finishing touches are being applied to the new Narrowsburg Peck’s market which occupies a large area on Kirk Road just below Fort Delaware. Art Peck, owner, expects a grand opening in early February.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore of Neversink announce the engagement of their daughter, Darlene Joan, to Allen F. Wachter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wachter of Callicoon.

40 Years Ago - 1985

Liberty Mayor Ida “Skippy” Frankel has announced she will not seek re-election at the village election in March. Mrs. Frankel has served the village as mayor for ten years and was elected the first woman president of the New York State Conference of Mayors during her tenure.

Town of Tusten Republicans have approached Rick Lander in an effort to fill the vacancy which will occur January 31 when Fred Tegeler, current Tusten town supervisor, officially resigns.

Mr. and Mrs. William Niemann of Youngsville announce the engagement of their daughter, Norma Lee, to Steven J. Lagoda, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Lagoda of Fosterdale. An October 1985 wedding is planned… Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brockway of Campbell, announce the engagement of their daughter, Janet Lynn, to Kurt W. York of Bath. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne York of Liberty. Wedding plans are incomplete.

Robert Williams and Kathy Lockwood were joined in holy wedlock on December 29. They will live near Galilee, Pa.

Jonathon Jones, son of Howard and Linda Jones of Bloomingburg, was awarded the Eagle Scout Badge last Sunday at a ceremony attended by over 100 people in the Bloomingburg Community Church.

Lawrence H. Cooke, recently retired Chief Judge of the State of New York, recently announced  that he would be joining the law firm of Hall, Dickler, Lawler, Kent & Friedman, as a senior counsel effective February 1.

Christine F. Dolan of Verona, N.J., became the bride of Allen J. O’Keefe II, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen J. O’Keefe of Livingston Manor, recently. The couple now reside in Woodridge, N.J.… Elizabeth P. Eisner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eisner of Callicoon and Robert M. Reding were married at the home of the bride’s parents on November 10. A reception followed at the Eldred Preserve. They now live in Boston, Mass.

30 Years Ago - 1995

A 50-acre piece of woodlands off the Kiamesha Lake Road opposite the Kiamesha Stables has been identified as the most likely site for the stadium and parking lot that will serve the Sullivan County franchise of the Northeast Professional Baseball League.

Frieda Williams received a plaque of recognition from Alan Scott, supervisor of the Town of Bethel, for her past service to the town. Williams retired recently from her many clerk duties, one of which was Deputy Town Clerk.

Barbara Walter, credit clerk at the First National Bank of Jeffersonville, has been named the bank’s first Employee of the Year.

Helen Meyer of Jeffersonville was surprised with an 80th birthday party held in her honor on December 14 at Mullally’s in Jeffersonville.

20 Years Ago - 2005

Sergeant Kenneth VonRonn of Walker Valley and Bloomingburg became the second soldier from Sullivan County to be killed in action on January 6, during the war in Iraq. He was laid to rest at the Sullivan County Veterans Cemetery in Liberty with full military honors on Saturday.

Motivational speaker and Liberty native John Zulli, now of California, is scheduled to speak at Thursday’s Sullivan Renaissance seminar for the Gerry Foundation, focusing on finding and retaining volunteers.

Rose Walls and Charles Schadt, both of Youngsville, announce the engagement of their daughter, Kristi Joanne Walls, to Ronald Hewlett II, son of Linda Hewlett of Grahamsville and Ronald Hewlett Jr. of Liberty. A June 2008 wedding is planned.

10 Years Ago - 2015

A fire early Tuesday morning in Liberty heavily damaged the third floor of a building at 9 South Main St. in Liberty. The structure’s third floor housed the Untouchables Boxing Club, while Kennedy Fried Chicken was on the first floor. The call came in at 5:51 a.m. and in addition to Liberty, the Monticello, Swan Lake and White Sulphur Springs departments responded while Livingston Manor was on standby.

Gabrielle Cohen, 9, of Jeffersonville advanced to the New York State Regional level of the Elks National Hoop Shoot Contest Saturday by winning the girls 8-9 District championship at Sullivan County Community College. Cohen was the only Sullivan County participant to win her division, connecting on 11 of 25 shots. She is now eligible to compete at the Regionals in Glens Falls. Danielle Rasmussen of Jeffersonville, Kelsey Morgans of Liberty and Collin Garofolo of Roscoe finished as runner-ups in the girls 10-11, girls 12-13 and boys 10-11 divisions respectively. They are the alternates to compete in Glens Falls if the division winners are unable to compete. Saturday’s District Hoop Shoot, presented by the Monticello Elks Lodge, was comprised of winners from local shoots in Middletown, Kingston, Port Jervis and Liberty. It was held despite heavy snow and rough road conditions which prevented some contestants from participating.  


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