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Monticello passes local law, ups tax levy limit

Vincent Kurzrock
Posted 5/24/24

MONTICELLO — Village Attorney Michael Sussman made clear that when a municipality is in financial distress, there may be a need to increase the property levy by more than two percent.

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Monticello passes local law, ups tax levy limit


MONTICELLO — Village Attorney Michael Sussman made clear that when a municipality is in financial distress, there may be a need to increase the property levy by more than two percent.

Where this is going to be contemplated, and is not decided to happen yet, there has to be a process.

The Board was going through this to inform the public that this tax levy law is a possibility and to solicit their comments at a Public Hearing.

There were no comments for or against the proposal of the Local Law. The Public Hearing was closed subsequently. It was motioned by Trustee Theodore Hutchins and seconded by Trustee Janice Davis.

Following this, the Board adopted Local Law #2 of 2024 entitled “A Local Law authorizing a property tax levy in excess of the limit established in the General Municipal Law Section 3C of NYS”.

This also authorized Village Clerk Janine Gandy to do the necessary New York State filing. The motion was made by Trustee Theodore Hutchins and seconded by Trustee Janice Davis.


Sussman announces 

Public Hearing

Sussman announced an add-on to the list of resolutions and added that it was a recommendation by Acting Police Chief David Lindsay.

This resolution would set the public hearing date to amend Article 2 Traffic Control Signals Section 252-4 adding a new subsection K-1 installation of speed bumps on Terri Lane and Shaker Heights Drive. 

This resolution took effect immediately and Village Clerk Janine Gandy set the public hearing date for June 5. The motion to approve was  made by Trustee Theodore Hutchins and seconded by Trustee Gordon Jenkins.


Bernardo speaks  before board

Sullivan County District 9 Legislator Terry Blosser–Bernardo gave several updates regarding work being done for Sullivan

This was a part of the Public Comment session during the Village of Monticello’s regular meeting on Wednesday.

It was explained that District 9 is made up of the village of Monticello and goes as high as Thompsonville and extends to Melody Lake.

She wanted to congratulate anybody that had any children graduating.

“I was at the SUNY Sullivan commencement this [past] weekend,” stated Terry Bernardo. “I know that Village Manager James Snowden had a family member there as well.”

“It is great for Sullivan County Residents to go to SUNY Sullivan. Please encourage your children to take advantage of that.”

If anybody has any county issues that they need help with, she encourages them to come see her, such as social services, health departments, and grants.

She stated that New York State Governor Kathy Hochul made a point in the State of the State in which she has a grant called “New York Swims” which is aimed at municipalities like Monticello.

“I know you are looking for grants for your water system as well,” explained Bernardo. “I will look there as well and send you what I know of.”

Bernardo also convened a group she dubbed “Coalition of the Willing” who want to see this issue taken care of.

She especially noted for the County on a health standpoint is the issue and risk of rabies.

“Meet with Scott, see if there’s anything you and him can do to help him address the issue,” said Bernardo.


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