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While some things are no laughing matter, others are a barrel of laughs. Some even say that at the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities. I would have to … more
Did you know that flamingos bend their legs at the ankle, not the knee. They essentially stand on tip-toe. Their knees are closer to the body and are covered by feathers. Neither did I. You … more
Well I was going to talk about houseplants this week, but with the warm mid-week weather I ended up outside again doing some landscaping when a new subject uncovered itself. I had a fungus amoungus. … more
I thought we were done with this. Was it my imagination that the outdated practice of “Spring forward, Fall back” was being discontinued? As my readers discovered last week, Daylight … more
It’s come to my attention that gems, diamonds perhaps, of precious conversation between myself and The Huz (my husband) might be worth sharing. The Huz is a singer. You may know him. His name … more
What a week of beautiful weather. It is a little cooler and more seasonable now but the 70’s that we saw from last Saturday through Wednesday were a great example of a weather phenomenon called … more
  If you want to try to label a person, it seems that lumping them into their zodiac signs may not be the way to go anymore. People are now influenced by what generation they were born into. I … more
As October comes to a close, the Sullivan Catskills Visitors Association (SCVA) continues to make strides in promoting our beautiful region to a national audience. Tourism is the economic backbone of … more
It started when I spotted some skeins of mossy-colored yarn for sale at Wool Worth in Callicoon. “Hmmm, I think I’ll try knitting,” I said to myself. “Or I’ll just buy … more
Last Sunday we had three of our granddaughters over to pick their Halloween pumpkins from our pumpkin patch. It was a good year this year, and we got fourteen pumpkins off of four vines.   … more
We have all said or heard someone on a car trip utter that vehicular symbol of impatience “Are we there yet?” It expresses the level of anticipation of arriving at a destination whether … more
Act One: The Feather Boa Scene: Art opening somewhere in Sullivan County   “Your column is too flamboyant,” said a woman in impossibly pink lipstick.   … more
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