As I recently wandered through the tables at a yard sale, I came upon a new discovery. I was looking through the treasures of a friend who is a quilter. In one box there were bundles of brightly …
Diane Houghtaling
From the beginning of creation, God has been in the rescuing business. He sees, hears and knows what His people are going through at all times, and as we cry out to Him for help, He comes down to …
Diane Houghtaling
Many years ago I awoke from a dream in which a child was asking me, “So what do you get to do today?” I thought that was a very interesting question – not “What do you have to …
Diane Houghtaling
Many years ago I awoke from a dream in which a child was asking me, “So what do you get to do today?” I thought that was a very interesting question – not “What do you have to …
Diane Houghtaling
God has uniquely created mankind with the ability to think and reason, which enables us to make choices and decisions. But since the beginning of time, we have been drawn to make decisions based on …
Diane Houghtaling
In the past when I’ve read the story of how the Gibeonites deceived the Israelites in Joshua chapter nine, I primarily focused on Israel not seeking God’s wisdom or guidance, and simply …
Diane Houghtaling
I see many quotes that have to do with being kind to others. This one from an unknown author says, “Today you could be standing next to someone who is trying their best not to fall apart. So …
Diane Houghtaling
Throughout history God has always provided His people with a place to meet with Him. In biblical times, that place was the altar. When God met His people in a special way or did something miraculous …
Diane Houghtaling
I have found that God is very strategic in His dealings with mankind. He allows events to happen at just the right time and in just the right way for His plans and purposes for our lives to be …
Diane Houghtaling
I recently read a devotion about a familiar Bible story, but the author brought out a point I had never considered before. The story is found in Mark 2:1-12. Jesus was in a house preaching to a …
Diane Houghtaling
Hope can be a very powerful thing, making the difference between life and death. The Bible says that it is one of the few things that will remain, besides faith and love (1 Corinthians 13:13). But …
Diane Houghtaling
What does the term “God’s favor” mean to you? Does it evoke positive feelings of ease, comfort, peace, provision, protection, God’s leading? Most of us think of God’s …
Diane Houghtaling
Have you ever unwrapped a large gift box to find another box to unwrap, followed by more boxes, until you finally open the smallest box within to find your gift? Or have you seen the painted wooden …
Diane Houghtaling
Last month my husband was working hard at cutting and splitting wood. The log pile was high so he started early and kept going. But later in the day as he worked with the chainsaw to cut more rounds, …
Diane Houghtaling
The first time we see this question asked in scripture is found in Exodus 4:2. Moses is standing before a burning bush with God instructing him to go back to Egypt to set his captive people free. …
Diane Houghtaling
Many would say that Covid is the great destroyer of life as we knew it a few short years ago. Millions around the world still grieve the loss of loved ones they never got to hold or say good-bye to …
Diane Houghtaling
I grew up in a big, old farmhouse, and recently remembered an event that really traumatized me as a child. My bedroom was one of four rooms upstairs. From time to time some aunts, uncles and cousins …
Diane Houghtaling
Autumn is officially here with its cooler temperatures and leaves changing color. For many, fall is their favorite season, a sentiment I don’t share. I never liked fall because it meant winter …
Diane Houghtaling | Hope Ministries
I read a story about an artist who was commissioned to paint a mural showing the life of Christ in a Sicilian cathedral. He used a twelve-year-old boy with an innocent face as a model for Jesus. …
Diane Houghtaling