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Moving Towards Health
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Seeing results quickly is something we all desire. Whether the outcome we’re looking for is related to reaching a new fitness goal, getting back to where we were before, or returning from … more
Spending a Saturday with my sister and niece was a common occurrence when they lived nearby. On one of these occasions, our girls’ day included some shopping, lunch at Chipotle, and a two and a … more
   Do you ever feel like the world is moving so fast around you that it seems impossible to keep up? When this happens to me, it’s usually in combination with feeling stressed and … more
   If you set goals for the new year and you’re still making progress towards them, congratulations! You’ve made it past “Quitter’s Day.” The second Friday in … more
  I’m not usually a New Year’s resolutions or “new year, new me” type of person. Most of the time, I lean towards setting new goals and changing habits as soon as I … more
  I can’t even deny it - I used to hate fitness challenges. You know, the ones that generate a lot of hype and then are over after thirty days or so. As a coach who prioritizes longevity, … more
  As the year is coming to a close and the ground will hopefully be wrapped in a blanket of snow, many holiday treats are being made, decorated, and consumed. My sister found a fantastic … more
  I started skiing when I was in first grade. Once a week during the winter, I would board the bus at the end of the school day full of kids heading to Holiday Mountain for our ski club trip. We … more
My dogs are the best sleepers I know. Two of them are laying in my office at this moment, snoozing and snoring away. While sleep is one of the most important pieces of the puzzle of health, it can be … more
  I   love receiving physical gifts during the holidays. In fact, giving and receiving gifts is one of the top ways I feel loved, according to Gary Chapman’s book The 5 Love … more
I’m sure at some point you’ve heard someone say, “If you take care of the small things, the big things will take care of themselves.” This quote is attributed to American poet … more
Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and how we choose to approach it will look different for each one of us. When I think of my ideal Thanksgiving experience, it includes enjoying delicious … more
  I’ve always been fascinated with self-actualization. When my college advisor asked me what I wanted to do with my degree in Clinical Exercise Science, I said I wanted to help people … more
In last week’s article, we talked about how challenging it can be when we feel as if we have to start over on our health journey. There can be many reasons why we may feel this way, and … more
One of the most challenging parts of health is feeling like you have to start all over again from the beginning. This happens to all of us at different times for different reasons. Life can present … more
I’ve always loved the quote “Commitment is staying true to what you said you would do long after the mood that you said it in has left” by Inky Johnson. I strive to live by this … more
  While morning routines can be a very impactful part of our day, sometimes it’s the smallest pieces that have the greatest impact. Each day when I wake up and get out of bed, my dogs … more
  Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you wish you didn’t say yes to attending an event or doing a favor for someone else? Receiving invitations and opportunities to help … more
Writing a great workout requires careful consideration of many factors. While all of them are important, intensity and duration play a great role in our consistency of exercise, and therefore our … more
Technology is an incredible tool with seemingly endless applications to make our lives easier. It is practically inescapable these days and there are many devices out there to help you along your … more
If you’re anything like me, you probably don’t always feel motivated to practice healthy habits. It’s easy to get stuck in the trap of waiting until we “feel like it” to … more
Ever since I was a little girl, I can remember my dad always repeating to me “Calos can do anything.” In case you didn’t know, Calo is my maiden name, and my dad made sure that my … more
Did you mess up this week? I’ll guess that you “messed up” on some part of your health journey in the last seven days, and I’m honestly impressed if you didn’t. Failure … more
As summer comes to an end, you may feel changes coming to your routines, schedules, and goals. While the temperature starts to cool and leaves begin to settle, our lives begin to settle as well. … more
Discipline is a crucial component of success that most of us try to avoid at all costs. It’s easy to be hopeful that our goals will just be reached and our life will be enjoyable without too … more
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